About Us…


We are “The Minter Family”. I started this blog around three years ago. Since starting it our circumstances have changed quite literally, so have decided to update this page. We were “The Minter Family” which  consisted of Mum, Dad, 3 boys and a Daughter in Law to be……

But now we are now Mum, Dad, and 3 boys 27, 22 and 14 (April 2019), Following University and circumstances all boys now live at home  We are very proud of all our boys in all they achieve and all they become.

We live in Kent in the beautiful fishing town of Whitstable. We have a sea view and are lucky enough to have a working harbour a superb fish market and eateries of many flavours…

We are 7 miles from the City of Canterbury, which boasts a fantastic Cathedral, fabulous restaurants, a vibrant student culture, and an amazing shopping centre.

We love to spend time together as a family, but love time with extended family and friends. Every day is a new day and should be lived to the full…

We all enjoy food, probably too much, hence my “fuller figure” and love to cook. We love entertaining and most weekends see us cooking up something delicious to eat, whether it is for just us or for our friends.

Sometimes trying to juggle food and work can become tedious and always knowing what to have is difficult. We have shelves full of cookery books, by so many celebrity chefs, but choosing is difficult and could lead to someone not being happy… We decided that something needed to change to give us the excitement we used to feel about food and meal times back…

Therefore, Rory has decided that every day or as near as every day we can (work and evening activities permitting) he should take a globe and spin it, close his eyes and stop the globe with his finger and the place that he has landed on we will cook something from that area. If he lands in the sea we will cook and eat from the place nearest to where he lands.

Food is your body’s fuel. Without fuel, your body wants to shut down.

Ken Hill


Come with us and journey around the world….See what food we have cooked and enjoyed, or maybe not enjoyed….Share your thoughts and ideas you feel we need.

If we do land on the same place twice, because the world is a big place, we will spin the globe again. Unless there are different countries within the place we have landed…

Can I just add we didn’t want this to become expensive. We cook every night anyway from scratch, so we have a stock items in the house and without exception we will only have to buy the meat/fish and any obscure items

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